Dear Students, Families, and Staff,

Statistics show that half of us will have a mental health challenge over the course of our lifetime.  Yet research shows that many people, especially young people, wait a long time to get help due to fears of being labeled or stigmatized. The fact is, with support and appropriate treatment, people with mental health challenges can get better. 

While it is our goal at TGB to support our students' academic and social growth every day, May provides us with an opportunity to reflect on good practices and bring awareness to mental health.  

Mental health and school success are closely linked, and untreated mental health challenges can create significant barriers to academic, social, emotional, and career success. 

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in six U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year. Help us in taking a proactive stance in promoting student mental health awareness and support.

Check out the resources below for ways to engage in and spread the word about Mental Health Awareness Month. You will find virtual activities to attend and links to mental health resources. 

Webinars and Conversations